Opublikowane: 2011-12-151

Funkcje ołtarza w świetle tekstów Starego Testamentu

Alfred ks. Tschirschnitz


Article is devoted to the functions of the altars in the Holy Books of the Old Testament. The etymology of the word altar and its place in temples in Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian traditions is discussed firstly. The main part of this article is a research on diversity and localisation of the altars in Israel, their different functions in the Old Testament, as: place of sacrifice; monument; place where people prayed to God and an asylum (especially their horns) for unintentional murderers.

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Tschirschnitz, A. ks. (2011). Funkcje ołtarza w świetle tekstów Starego Testamentu. Rocznik Teologiczny, 53(1), 7–30. Pobrano z https://ojs.chat.edu.pl/index.php/rt/article/view/1

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