Opublikowane: 2015-03-301

When the pulpit was power. The word as the power of the powerless

Miroslav Somr

Ludmila Opekarová


John Hus is one of the most significant figures in history, not only in Bohemia but also in Europe and the world. His preaching is not mere mentoring – it also has educational impact and a strong social dimension. The word becomes a cultivating social instrument and the Bethlehem Chapel the temple of the poor and humiliated. Burned for heresy Hus enters his second, historical life. His stake in Constance is the spark leading to conflagration of the Hussite movement and to the Czech Reformation. A man turned his face to another man and raised his sight.

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Zasady cytowania

Somr, M., & Opekarová, L. (2015). When the pulpit was power. The word as the power of the powerless. Rocznik Teologiczny, 57(1), 41–60. Pobrano z https://ojs.chat.edu.pl/index.php/rt/article/view/54

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