Vol. 66 No. 3 (2024)
Opublikowane: 2024-11-29
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Porneia w Dz 15,20.29; 21,25. Znaczenie i pochodzenie motywu rozpusty w dekrecie apostolskim
Projekt socjalny jako złożony i wieloetapowy proces działań pomocowych
Nowa prawna definicja śmierci w Polsce jako problem filozoficzno-teologiczny
Życie i dokonania arcybiskupa Jana Marii Michała Kowalskiego (1871-1942)
The Theological Yearbook is a theological and ecumenical, peer-reviewed academic journal, published continuously since 1959.
The journal is intended to serve as an open forum for voices from all religious and cultural circles, and an interdisciplinary and ecumenical periodical in the broad sense of the word, a place for sharing ideas in scientific discourse. The Editorial Board accepts articles and dissertations for publication which fulfil the requirements for research work in the field of theology and related disciplines, as well as humanities in the broad sense.
The Theological Yearbook presents mainly articles and dissertations, scientific research results, reviews in the field of theology and related disciplines, such as history, pedagogy of religion, philosophy, sociology, philology and religious law.
All texts published in the Theological Yearbook are available online (Archives) and in some of the databases mentioned below. Online open access is not temporally limited.
The editors apply ethical principles (see Code of Ethics).
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Interested in reviewing texts published in the Theological Yearbook? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Peer Review Process.
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