Published: 2023-05-291

The phenomenon of “Soviet atheism” and its consequences for the family law of Ukraine


The article examines the concept and features of the phenomenon of “Soviet atheism” and its impact on the formation of family law in Ukraine. The impact of “Soviet atheism” on religious rules, statistics of religious beliefs in
various historical periods were analyzed. The influence of “Soviet atheism” on the development of family law in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Ukrainian SSR) and its consequences for marriage and family relations were thoroughly analyzed. The peculiarities of reforming family law in independent Ukraine in order to de-Sovietize it were clarified. It was established that since independence, Ukraine has been clearing its legislation of Soviet
influence. At the same time, the phenomenon of “Soviet atheism” has left its mark on the new Family Code of Ukraine. If so, the authors argue that when family law changes, it is necessary to establish values that are based
on religion and have existed in Ukraine for centuries.



“Soviet atheism”, state, law, family law, marriage, divorce

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Bilash, O., & Mendzhul, M. (2023). The phenomenon of “Soviet atheism” and its consequences for the family law of Ukraine. Theological Yearbook, 64(3), 707.

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