Published: 2014-06-151

U.S. Diplomatic Representation at the Vatican and the Constitution’s First Amendment (Historical and Legal Aspects)

Tadeusz J. Zieliński


The paper presents an issue of diplomatic relations of the United States with Papacy since the early years of American Republic. It sketches development of consular representation of the late 18th century which eventually turned into regular contacts at the ambassadorial level during the Presidency of Ronald Reagan three decades ago. This historical analysis is accompanied by legal remarks highlighting constitutional matters evoked by the First Amendment, which stipulates the principle of separation of church and state.


U.S. Diplomacy, The Vatican, The Holy See, Separation of Church and State, First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

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Zieliński, T. J. (2014). U.S. Diplomatic Representation at the Vatican and the Constitution’s First Amendment (Historical and Legal Aspects). Theological Yearbook, 56(1), 155–180. Retrieved from

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