Published: 2023-05-291

Themes of peace and reconciliation in the theology of Witold Benedyktowicz


Witold Benedyktowicz had a significant influence on Polish Protestant systematic theology of the second half of the 20th century, and in fact, he dominated it. The central themes of Benedyktowicz's theology are peace and reconciliation. The Warsaw theologian, based on the doctrine of the Christian Peace Conference (CCP), also known as the Prague Peace Conference, which operated from 1958 to 1989, created a Christian theology of peace, giving it a separate term, namely irenology. In the article, it is argued that the theology of peace grows out of Benedyktowicz's existential experiences, as he recognized the fundamental importance of World War II experiences for his comprehensive understanding of the world. The second source of irenology is his participation in the work of the CCP. Furthermore, the church's activity in the ecumenical movement in Poland and on the international level directed the practical and theoretical endeavors of the long-time president of the Polish Ecumenical Council toward the concept of reconciliation. The article discusses the understanding of the notions of peace and reconciliation in the theological output of W. Benedyktowicz.


Reconciliation, Protestant Theology, Protestant Ethics, Witold Benedyktowicz, Polish Protestantism

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Hintz, M. (2023). Themes of peace and reconciliation in the theology of Witold Benedyktowicz. Theological Yearbook, 64(2), 513.

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