Published: 2023-05-291

“Holy Rus’” in relation to ethno-phileticism and the imperial idea


This article delves into the analysis of how the historical concept of "Holy Rus'" has been perceived as both a social and state idea. The definition of this concept goes beyond its original interpretation as Moscow being the Third Rome and also encompasses the viewpoints of theologians and intellectuals from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Drawing on the fundamental principles of Orthodox ecclesiology, the article highlights the inherent contradiction between this concept and Orthodox teachings. Furthermore, it seeks to illustrate the connections between the idea of uniqueness, chosenness, and a distinct historical mission, as developed in Russia, with ethnophyletic and imperialistic ideologies.


Holly Rus, ethno-phileticism, messianism, imperialism, Orthodoxy, ecclesiology

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Ławreszuk, M. (2023). “Holy Rus’” in relation to ethno-phileticism and the imperial idea. Theological Yearbook, 64(2), 443.

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