Published: 2013-12-151

Argumentation from Holy Scripture and tradition of the first millenium's Church in Confessio Augustana (1530)

Jerzy Sojka


The article presents and analyses the argumentation used by Philip Melanchthon in Confessio Augustana. Description of the arguments from its first part were ordered according to the argumentation categories referring to 1.The Holy Scripture; 2. Ecumenical councils; 3. Symbolicum Apostolicum and Athanasianum; 4. Church Fathers and early Christian writers; 5. rejection of erroneous teachings. Among the arguments from the second part, one can distinguish those referring to: 1.The Holy Scripture; 2. Church Fathers and early Christian writers; 3. norms of canonical Law. The analysis has shown the first and foremost, and in some cases exclusive significance of argumentation from the Scripture, while in the second part of the Confession one can observe an aspiration to use various types of argumentation as widely as possible.


Augsburg Confession, sola scriptura, Bibel, Ecumenical councils, Apostles' Creed, Athanasian Creed, Church Fathers, norms of canonical Law

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Sojka, J. (2013). Argumentation from Holy Scripture and tradition of the first millenium’s Church in Confessio Augustana (1530). Theological Yearbook, 55(1), 47–66. Retrieved from

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