Published: 2024-09-051

The question of the Presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper in Lutheran World Federation publications 1947-2010


The article presents how the key theme of the Lutheran doctrine on the Lord`s Supper was addressed in the publications of the world’s biggest organisation of Lutheran churches between the LWF First Assembly in Lund and the LWF Eleventh Assembly in Stuttgart. This subject was of special interest to the first two assemblies (Lund, Hanover). The following themes can be distinguished in the reflection on the presence of Christ in the Lord`s Supper in the period under consideration: the category of “Word” (including liturgical and pneumatological contexts), the relationship of the body and blood of Jesus Christ to the elements of the sacrament, as well as ecclesiological (including practical: mission and diakonia) and eschatological contexts.


Lutheran World Federation,, Lord’s Supper, presence of Christ

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Sojka, J. (2024). The question of the Presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper in Lutheran World Federation publications 1947-2010. Theological Yearbook, 66(01), 75–123.

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