Published: 2015-09-301

The history of St Demetrius the Great Martyr Uniate church in Nedezów in the light of 18th century church visitations

Janusz Adam Frykowski


Nedezów is a small country village located in Tomaszów Lubelski gmina (commune) in the northern part of Tomaszów poviat in Lubelskie Province. The first written record dates back to 1409 in which time, administratively, it belonged to the Duchy of Belz and later to the Belz Voivodeship. After the first partition of the Kingdom of Poland it was annexed by the Habsburg Empire whereas during the Napoleon era it fell into the territory of the Duchy of Warsaw and later as a result of the compromise of the Congress of Vienna it belonged to the Kingdom of Poland (Congress Poland), which remained totally under Russian control. The original parish was the Eastern Orthodox parish, which, after the Treaty of Brest became the Uniate parish. As an independent church unit it functioned on until the end of 18th century, when it was degraded to a subsidiary Orthodox church and incorporated into the parish of Typin in which it operated until the liquidation of the Uniate. At first, administratively, the parish in Nedezów belonged to the Deanery of Tomaszów and at the end of 17th century to the newly created Protopopia of Tomaszów. Having analyzed post- visitation protocols left by Chelm Bishops the look as well as fittings and ancillary equipment of the parish church is recounted as well as any changes in the period of this research. It has been determined the paroch (parish priest) had some arable land as well as grassland at his disposal to support himself, furthermore, he collected various ecclesiastical fees from his parishioners. There was also a small presbytery with ancillary buildings. As far as it is possible, the parish ecclesiastical benefice and its fluctuation in the period of this research is determined. Furthermore, the number of worshipers and priests residing in this particular parish is defined.


Uniate parish, Orthodox church, paroch (parish priest), Uniates, church’s endowment, paraments, argentaria, utensils

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Frykowski, J. A. (2015). The history of St Demetrius the Great Martyr Uniate church in Nedezów in the light of 18th century church visitations. Theological Yearbook, 57(3), 319–346. Retrieved from

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