Published: 2016-03-301

Conditions of Admittance to the Lord's Supper in the refl exion of the Lutheran World Federation in 1947-2010

Jerzy Sojka


The article "Conditions of Admittance to the Lord's Supper in the reflexion of the Lutheran World Federation in 1947-2010" presents the course of the discussion on requirements, which need to be fulfilled for admittance to the Lord's Supper in the biggest international organisation of Lutheran Churches - Lutheran World Federation. Three conditions were identified, which had to be fulfilled for a person to be admitted to the Lord's Table: 1. receiving baptism, 2. being able to distinguish between Lord's body and blood, and confession of faith, 3. confession. The first two have met with universal recognition, the last one was questioned in the discussion. The article's report is completed by a presentation of the discussion regarding forms of church discipline.


Lord's Supper, Admittance, Lutheranism, Lutheran World Federation, Baptism, church discipline, confession

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Sojka, J. (2016). Conditions of Admittance to the Lord’s Supper in the refl exion of the Lutheran World Federation in 1947-2010. Theological Yearbook, 58(1), 59–74. Retrieved from

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