The procedure of reviewing articles in the Theological Yearbook magazine follows the recommendations developed by the Ethics in Science Team of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, presented in the brochure “Dobre praktyki w procedurach recenzyjnych w nauce” [“Good practices in reviewing procedures in science”] (2011). By submitting the article for publication in the journal, the authors agree to the review method adopted by the editors.
Submitted articles are subject to formal and thematic evaluation by the Editorial Board, and then reviewed by at least two independent reviewers who are not members of the Board, have at least a postdoctoral degree and have a documented output in the field to which the article refers, and are not employed in the unit issuing the magazine and in which the author of the text works.
The works are reviewed anonymously, which means that the author does not know the names of the reviewers, and the reviewers do not know the author’s/ authors’ name(s), (a procedure called double-blind review applies here).
The review is in written form and contains the reviewer’s application regarding the admission of the article to print or its rejection. The reviewer has the opportunity to specify in the review form whether the article can be published: unchanged, with amendments or after the article has been completely rewritten and re-reviewed. The reviewer has the right to suggest publication of the article in another section of the journal, outside existing thematic blocks or in another journal.
Sample review forms completed electronically online: Scientific Review Form, Бланк научной рецензии.
We let the Author(s) familiarize themselves with the content of the reviews and we expected them to provide feedback to or correct the article.
The final decision to publish or reject an article belongs to the Editor in Chief and the Editorial Board of the Theological Yearbook.
The editors declare their readiness and willingness to publish polemical texts that meet the requirements of the scientific study and that show errors in earlier publications which appeared in the pages of the Theological Yearbook.
A list of reviewers cooperating with the editors is published in the last issue of each calendar year of the Theological Yearbook (see archives).
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