Christian education teachers in the face of modern teaching and educational challenges
Elżbieta Bednarz
Christian education teachers, as well as teachers in other fields, are faced with serious challenges in the areas of teaching and educational activities such as counselling and advising. In order to meet those challenges, teachers must work in many aspects that affect the desired teaching outcome. Christian education teachers should focus on their personal development, paying close attention to the moral aspects that manifest themselves in behaviour and attitude, watching carefully their personal example as students can absorb them as their own. The next important link that can connect personal example with educational influence in such a way as to meet the modern educational challenge, is the teacher’s creativity, the kind which produces interest and creative development in students. The last element necessary to create a mature picture of a Christian education teacher is educational competence. The last component referred to, cementing the mature image of the catechist, is pedagogical competence, which is an indissoluble element of the educator's function.
Christian education teacher, personal example, creative teacher, master teacher, form tutor, home-room teacher, guidance counsellor, advisor
Bednarz, E. (2013). Christian education teachers in the face of modern teaching and educational challenges. Theological Yearbook, 55(1), 273–287. Retrieved from